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Lezsmeeting - Taipei x Hong Kong X.M. Party - Early Bird Ticket

$270.00 Sold out

Image of Lezsmeeting - Taipei x Hong Kong X.M. Party - Early Bird Ticket

女人國派對/ 香港 x 台灣站
LEZS RUN THE WORLD/ Hong Kong x Taiwan
X.M.Party 尋蜜派對

我就是妳的甜心,You want Tea or Peach or Me(蜜)?
A scent of candy is lingering in the air,
This sweet and juicy fruit is awaiting for you.
As for tonight’s treat,
Would you like tea or peach or me?

地點: Azure @ Hotel LKF by Rhombus
中環雲咸街33號29-30樓 // 29-30/F, 33 Wyndham St, Central
預售票 Early- bird - $260 (一杯免費調酒 with 1 standard drink) 
現場票 At the door - $300 (一杯免費調酒 with 1 standard drink)
Dress Code: 帥與性感 dressy sexy

台灣最大同志派對廠牌Lez’s Meeting女人國進軍香港No.2 Party
LEZSMEETING, Asia’s biggest female party originated from Taiwan. This will be the second time.
DJ RO.Z (T.W.): 22:00-00:00// DJ Michael Hsu (T.W.) 00:00-02:00 // DJ BLING (H.K.) 02:00-04:00

* 特邀台灣女同志最愛眩目甜心女DJ RO.Z,融進妳的眼與耳。
港台DJ教父音樂慾鮮慾食:台灣G-Star熊系音樂總監DJ Michael Hsu (https://www.mixcloud.com/michaelhsu213/)
+ 香港自己人電台狼系音樂DJ BLING讓妳身心靈都動感嚐鮮 (https://www.mixcloud.com/djbling/)
* Lez’s Meeting團隊原裝空運最靚仔型格PR,Q彈甜蜜互動,通電妳多變的感官神經。
* 奢華的AZURE於29樓高挑入場,輕鬆聊天,飲酒獵物的微醺場域,跟著節奏與PR們的陪伴,妳不得不愛上這美好夜晚。頂樓戶外吸菸空間,由30樓高空俯瞰,擁抱香港最美視野享受,相擁微醺,這就是我們想要的多層次美好夜生活。
* Keep moving with our ultra-sexy DJ RO.Z
* Groove under the lead of DJ Michael and DJ BLING
* Don’t forget to say hello to our PR sweethearts from the Lez’s Meeting crew who came all the way to meet you from Taiwan.
* The X.M. Party hits one of the most premium venue at the core of Hong Kong, AZURE.
Enjoy the tipsy feeling with a sip and a kiss under the spectacular view of the central district from the rooftop at 30/f. Get everyone in the mood of this special day in the year with flesh, music, dance and romance. It definitely would be a night you cannot resist.

*購票程序 Ticketing
An e-receipt will be e-mailed automatically upon payment via Paypal. E-mail address and name on the receipt will be verified at entrance.


香港 HK:Anne:+852-9728-6270
台灣 TW:AJ:+886-938133371,小飛(Joey):+886-938807885
唯一: +886-917882890,JIN: +886- 928326052

活動資訊 Event Enquiry:
女人國官網: lezsmeeting.com
女人國臉書: lezsyou

主辦單位 Organizers:Lez’s Meeting 、頤創藝、LEZS、Cranes Media 
協辦單位 Supported by:LEZO、Lesvolt, Butterfly 
贊助單位 Sponsored by:指險套、Double、LiiTA、Magipea
媒體贊助 Media Sponsor: 菊花台,Bubble Air、聯合新聞網udn、TB雙心日記
特別感謝 Special Thanks:AZURE、愛之船、MR.RICH